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Unmasking the 7 Unhelpful Beliefs That Sabotage Relationships

Writer's picture: Sonia ScusselSonia Scussel
Friends and couple relationships

Our beliefs shape the lens through which we view the world, influencing our thoughts, actions, and, significantly, our relationships. While some beliefs can enhance connections, others act as silent saboteurs, undermining the very foundations we strive to build. In this blog, we'll unmask seven unhelpful beliefs that can negatively impact our relationships and discuss ways to overcome them.

1. Assuming Compatibility Equals Being Alike

The belief that compatibility means complete alignment in interests, opinions, and personalities can limit the vision of the growth possibilities and richness of relationships with diverse interests. Embracing differences and appreciating each person's unique qualities in the relationship enhances understanding and cultivates a more vibrant connection.

Action Step: Celebrate and explore differences, be curious about the other perspective, and recognise that compatibility lies in mutual respect and shared values rather than identical characteristics.

Couple hugging

The most important and most difficult thing that you can change is your fixed false beliefs.

Debasish Mridha

2. Expecting Mind-Reading

The misguided belief that our loved ones should know us enough to guess our needs and desires is a common but insidious assumption. Some people may be intuitive, but none is a mind-reader, and expecting them to interpret unspoken wishes can lead to frustration and disappointment. The way to overcome this challenge is clear communication; expressing our needs openly fosters understanding and releases the illusion that others should intuitively perceive our wishes.

Action Step: Facilitate communication by cultivating transparency and assertiveness, clearly articulating your needs and expectations to foster a more profound connection.

3. Individual Perfectionism

The conviction that tasks performed independently have better results can introduce perfectionism into relationships. This belief burdens us with unnecessary stress and hinders the collaborative essence of healthy connections. Allowing room for shared efforts and acknowledging teamwork strength rather than focusing on individualistic achievement is crucial for nurturing successful relationships.

Action Step: Foster a collaborative mindset by delegating tasks and appreciating the unique strengths and effort that others bring to the table.

4. Helplessness in Change

The belief that change is beyond our control, especially in others. This can lead to a passive approach, assuming that people cannot evolve or that our efforts to influence change are hopeless. However, recognising everyone's ability for personal growth and actively participating in transforming ourselves and our relationships is empowering.

Action Step: Embrace change by cultivating a growth mindset and actively engaging in personal and relational development. Changes in one always affect the other.


The secret of change is to focus all of your energy,

not on fighting the old, but on building the new.


5. Rigid Relationship Expectations

Expecting others to blend in with preconceived ideals sets the stage for disappointment. Media, movies, and society shape rigid expectations, these almost always clash with individuality's uniqueness and connections' complexity. Flexibility is the key to overcoming obstacles; understanding that relationships evolve and embracing differences can lead to healthier, more resilient bonds.

Action Step: Challenge and adjust unrealistic expectations, fostering adaptability and cultivating an appreciation for the uniqueness of each relationship.

6. Equating Vulnerability with Weakness

A prevalent belief that vulnerability is a sign of weakness limits the depth of emotional connection in relationships. The fear of being perceived as weak may lead individuals to conceal their true selves, reducing authentic interactions. Recognising vulnerability as a strength and fostering open, honest communication allows genuine connections to flourish.

Action Step: Embrace vulnerability as a strength, fostering open communication to deepen emotional connections and allow your relationships to grow stronger.

7. Dependency on Others for Happiness

Believing that our happiness solely depends on others places unnecessary pressure on relationships. True fulfilment originates from within, and while positive connections can enhance our self-perception, expecting others to be the makers of our happiness is an unhelpful belief. Cultivating individual happiness empowers us to contribute positively to our relationships without burdening them with the weight of our emotional well-being.

Action Step: Prioritise personal happiness through self-care, hobbies, and individual growth, creating a stable foundation for healthier connections.

Friends having lunch

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking.

It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”

Albert Einstein

Unhelpful Beliefs in Relationships: Final Thoughts

Our beliefs hold immense power in shaping the course of our relationships. Recognising and challenging unhelpful thoughts, we empower ourselves to cultivate stronger, more resilient connections. Clear communication, collaboration, adaptability, personal growth, and individual happiness are fundamental to dismantling these unproductive beliefs and fostering relationship growth.

When relational difficulties are there for too long, it's time to reach out. Remember that you don't have to face everything alone and find someone you trust to talk to.

Contacting a helpline, a support group, your GP or a counsellor can make a difference and offer support.

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